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Thursday, July 15, 2010

probiotics reduce kids' infections but not missed school days

A recently published study authored by Dr. Dan Merenstein (a family doc and researcher whose mentor I am honored to have been when he was doing his fellowship at Johns Hopkins), and his colleagues from Georgetown University, demonstrated that yogurt with active probiotic cultures taken daily for 120 days reduced gastrointestinal and respiratory infections (including strep throat and colds) substantially but did not result in children missing fewer days of school or day care. Just another demonstration of how truly sick children have to be these days in order for their parents to keep them home!

News reports seemed to stress the fact that there was no difference in days of school missed. Wouldn't we all go out and buy something that gave our children more days free of diarrhea and strep throat, regardless of whether they went to school or not? If you agree, go out and get your child some DanActive or other probiotic... Dr. Merenstein recommends yogurt or foods supplemented with at least 3 different active probiotic cultures.

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